Your massage therapist and health trainer Michael Ramoser



In order to help you as best as possible, I carry out a brief status anamnesis and check-up before each treatment. The subsequent treatment is put together individually for you: Depending on your current constitution and your needs, I choose the most suitable technique and grip strength. Your ongoing feedback supports the success of the treatment. Please find below an excerpt of my offered treatments:


Classic feel-good treatment

relaxing, relieving, loosening muscles and any tension - ideal "preventive treatment".


Healing massage according to medical prescription

treatment adapted to your referral diagnosis; combination of techniques.


Manual lymphatic drainage as prescribed by a doctor and also as a preventive measure

decongestant and detoxifying, calming, pain-relieving and gentle.


Fascial techniques

mobilizing and pain-relieving; supports mobility.


TIP: Head and face treatment
relaxing, decongestant, regenerating; when carried out regularly, it supports the collagen production of the skin and contributes to a fresh and vital appearance - ideal before celebrations and weddings as well as public events.


Reflexology treatments such as foot reflexology

calming and balancing, also for the positive influence on internal organs.


Relaxation massage

combination of several techniques; gentle, soothing, relaxing and promoting good sleep.


NEW: Sound bowl massage
when playing and stroking the sound bowl, sound waves are created that trigger a deep, pleasant feeling of relaxation and at the same time penetrate into deep tissue layers. This may release deep-lying tensions and blockages.


Special prevention service: With cautious people or people with previous illnesses or immunodeficiency, I wear an FFP2 mask throughout the treatment. In addition, the treatment room is well ventilated before each treatment, all surfaces are regularly cleaned in accordance with the applicable guidelines and disinfected after each treatment. Please contact me in case you have any special needs!


I am LGBTIQ+ friendly.


Prices and reimbursement options

Price list

Prices valid until further notice; Cash payment, Paypal or bank transfer possible;
Prices do not include a home visit surcharge, which is a flat rate of €10 per appointment within Wienerberg City;
Pursuant to Section 6 Paragraph 1 Item 19 or 27 UStG, all prices exempt from sales tax;


Public health insurances or sick funds grant a certain cost reimbursement for therapeutic massage and lymphatic drainage, provided you have a doctor's prescription. The procedure is similar to visiting a doctor of choice. I would be happy to inform you personally.


Presents make happy ;)

Feel free to contact me about gift vouchers for your loved ones!