Your massage therapist and health trainer Michael Ramoser

About me


Since my youth I have been enthusiastic and fascinated by the human body, how it works and the different ways and possibilities of staying healthy. In addition to a healthy diet, I was particularly impressed by our musculoskeletal system and the interaction of all muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.


My first points of contact with these topics were anything but typical: I was overweight until puberty, rather lazy and didn't think for a second about what I could do something good for my body.


It all started after a summer vacation with my parents: I came home from Italy a few pounds heavier and decided to lose weight. This is how the first cornerstone was laid for my deep interest in nutrition, which has lasted to this day. With the tumbling kilos came joy in exercise, which was to become a fixed part of my life. Years with a lot of personal training experience followed and so a wealth of experience in mobilization, stretching and strengthening exercises grew in order to stay flexible and mobile for many years.


After graduating from high school, I chose to study economics with a focus on health and gained more than 15 years of experience in international companies in the health and beauty industry. The numerous meetings and long days in the office always gave me a tense neck and aching back – despite the movement compensation. At the same time, the desire for change grew in me: There simply has to be more in life than increasing sales and reducing costs ;)


So a few years ago, the decision was made to follow my heart, to change my career fundamentally and to focus on my long-standing areas of interest. After my extensive training at the Vital Academy in 1030 Vienna and the Manus training center in 1130 Vienna, I gained professional experience in the orthopedic hospital in Speising, the physical outpatient clinic at the Klinik Favoriten (SMZ Süd) and in the Therme Wien Med. Now, I regularly take part in further trainings.


Today I am happy to be there for you as a self-employed commercial masseur as well as a therapeutic masseur and health trainer. Every tension, every “tweak” and every restriction of movement has a reason. This is why a good check-up together with you is so important to me:
Because I want to help you in the long term and support you in staying healthy, because: Your well-being matters to me!


Further Trainings:
10-11/2023: Manipulation massage according to Dr. Terrier
09 2023: Sound bowl massage
Since 2022: Different training modules in fasciopathy
